4 Major Systems in a Commercial Kitchen

A great layout is on everyone’s blueprint for their commercial kitchen maintenance. This determines how well your food service business is running, how efficient your staff members are and how smooth workflow can be.

Determining which types of commercial kitchen is the best for your business as it depends on many factors, including your space, needs and number of employees. Turning your commercial kitchen design idea into something that is useful requires strategic planning and a clear understanding of commercial kitchen layouts and learning about commercial kitchen services. So, let’s discuss about the major systems in a commercial kitchen.

Why is Commercial Kitchen Layout Important?

The layout you choose for your commercial kitchen helps in determining how well it functions. A well-designed kitchen helps your back-of-the house to work efficiently and effectively produce good quality food.

Increasing Efficiency: A good commercial kitchen layout can help you get good food out quicker, saving time and money and keeping your customers satisfied.

Attracting and Retaining Top Memebers: Great chefs have some professional requirements. You will be needing a well-designed kitchen to meet the high standards of the top talent.

Elevating Staff Safety: A well thought out kitchen minimizes staff accidents, as the food production works naturally.

Increasing Your Output: The flow of people and products in your kitchen is seamless. When your kitchen design facilitates this flow, your production output increases, resulting in good turnover times and happy customers.

Major System of a Commercial Kitchens

A commercial kitchen should be able to combine all the equipments which is required to fulfill kitchen’s functions. Commercial kitchens services have several critical functions. Factoring these elements in from the design process can result in a more efficient kitchen.

The major systems are the following:

Storage: Any commercial kitchen needs ample storage space for essential items like cooking tools, cutlery, crockery and linens. You will need to separate storage units for different types of food like dry goods pantry, a freezer and a refrigeration unit.

Food Preparation: You will need various food preparation areas with their own counter space, storage containers and utensils. Raw ingredients should be close to the food preparation area so that your team can arrange quickly and keep their refrigerated for as long as possible.

Cooking Station: Commercial kitchens needs a lot of cooking equipment to execute on their menus. A commercial kitchen needs ovens, commercial fryers.

Washing Area: Health and safety is always an essential commodity in a commercial kitchen. A separate washing area for dishes and equipment is ideal for dirty dish coming out in contact with your food.

4 Top Types of Commercial Kitchen Layouts

There are majorly 4 types of commercial kitchen layouts which are being mentioned below:

1. Assembly Line:

This layout is designed central style which begins with food preparation and ends with the following steps in a pattern. Ingredients move smoothly from one stage to another, making food preparation, cooking and services faster and intact.

An assembly line layour is fit for producing huge quantities of same dishes. It works best with multiple team members who are responsible for a particular stage in the process. It is a popular choice for fast food restaurants and catering services.

2. Island:

The island layout has a central cooking station right in the middle of the kitchen. For example, a cooking equipment may be in the middle, with the preparation, storage and washing area around the perimeter. The island layout acts as the leader in the middle.

The island layout is commonly used in commercial kitchens, as this put the food in the kitchen’s heart. A kitchen with this layout is designed with a circular flow, allowing the chefs to communicate in a proper fashion. In a restaurant setting, guests may be able to see the staff preparing their meal on the central island, blooming overall dining experience.

3. Open Kitchen:

If you want to add various elements to your consumer’s dining experience you should consider open kitchen. This layout allows customers to view a commercial kitchen’s inner working. Diners are a humongous fan of this viewing experience which lets cook and customer view each other and view the meal being prepared.

Customers enjoy this viewing experience of an open kitchen which can be entertaining and simple like tearing down a wall to provide them access. An open kitchen layout also helps in improving the kitchen’s quality. It generates a huge, more open dining space and faster service as the distance between the kitchen and customers is now near.

4. Zoning:

A zone-style layout dedicates a separate area to every activity. The zone you generate will depend on your priorities. For example, you can setup your zone activities- one for washing, one for food preparation and one for cooking. Most of the kitchens also create zone based on the dishes they send out, with the stations for soup, meat, frying and dessert.

Every section is separate from the others, allowing you to focus on assembling various dishes. This is a perfectly organized layout for a commercial kitchen which allows your team to prepare various dishes simultaneously. You can have a special chef assigned to each section and leave an open space for a smooth flow. The zoning layout is perfectly suited for restaurants with large-scale menus, huge staff and huge operations such as hotel or event space kitchens.


In summary, the food preparation, storage, refrigeration, and washing station are integral systems within a commercial kitchen. These systems work in perfect harmony to ensure the kitchen operates efficiently and delivers high-quality food to customers.

All Commercial Kitchen Equipment Repair & Service

If you are purchasing a commercial kitchen equipment, its maintenance is inevitable but it is a kind of secured investment. With commercial kitchen maintenance and care, you can increase the lifespan of your kitchen equipment for years.

In this blog we will be looking into the commercial kitchen services and how can you increase the lifespan of your commercial kitchen equipments. So, if you are exploring about the decisions to replace your kitchen equipment read along.

The Significance of Commercial Kitchen Services

Your commercial kitchen equipment deserves a mind blowing service. So, as a business owner you rely on your cvommerical ovens, fridges and other appliances each day for a living and to deliver excellent service to the customers.

As a commercial kitchen owner, you know that food security and your brand’s reputation both depends upon on the excellence of your kitchen equipments. For example, ice machines need cleaning at regular intervals. Any appliance which deals with water in any form which would develop mold and bacteria. Routine and professional cleaning eradicates this potential calamity.

Some Questions To Consider:

  • Does The Warranty Covers The Repair Costs?: Cost is the most vital factor while managing your commercial kitchen equipment. Most of the manufacturers offer warranty plans for their newly ordered appliances which can cover various repairs which might vary based upon the manufacturer, model and what is usual and typical for the industry. Generally, cooking and ware washing equipment comes with 1-year parts warranty, ice machines comes with a 3 year warranty with reach oin coolers and prep tables, and freezers comes with a warranty of 1-3 years and compressor comes with a warranty of 5 years lifespan.
  • Looking Forward to Upgrade Your Equipments?: Manufacturers are designing new and better products for restaurants and for commercial kitchens. Energy-efficient equipments and compact designs offers an opportunity to upgrade the equipment for your staff while improving monthly energy costs.
  • How Longer is the Equipment Expect To Last?: In case you notice a downslide in performance or you need to repair equipment more regularly, it often showcase that your equipment should be replaced.

Basic Lifespan For A Commercial Kitchen Equipment

Below mentioned lifespan estimation to consider for various commercial kitchen equipments:

  • Ovens and Ranges: Electric ranges and ovens can remain intact for around 15 years, while the gas stovetop can last upto 18 or 20 years, depending on the brand, using frequency and maintenance and how much repair is done on the equipment.
  • Walk-in Coolers: When a walk-in cooler is well-maintained, it will last upto 15 years or more than that as well. Regular maintenance and flushing lines can be lengthen for its useful life and improve its daily performance.
  • Deep Fryers: When it is properly maintained, a deep fryer shall lasts upto 20 years. If you get any repairs done immediately, then the fryer’s lifespan will be extended.

Tips To Repair Your Commercial Kitchen Equipments 

Below mentioned tips are a must to consider:

  • Choose a Trusted Repair Brand: The best possible way to make sure a successful repair is to find a trusted brand with proven technicians who can fix the issue in a snap.
  • Find Parts Provider That Offers A Wide Variety of Options: In various cases, finding replacement parts is a painstaking process. With CCI, we have next day availability of parts which are ordered and of the parts which are discontinued.
  • Provides as Much Information as Possible to Your Technician: To accurately repair a problem and prevent breakdowns, it can be helpful to share the history of your equipment. Providing as much as information to your technician is prepared to work quickly and efficiently to resolve the issue.

Types of Services We Provide

  • Commercial Refrigeration
  • Commercial Ventillation And Air Conditioning
  • Commercial Dishwashers
  • Catering Ovens
  • Commercial Gas Equipment
  • Commercial Kitchen Repair London


The commercial kitchen maintenance is an integral part of the commercial kitchen and is well-suited for its equipments. It is advisable for every restaurants to do regular maintenance of their equipments.

The Priority of Regular Commercial Kitchen Refrigeration Repair for your Restaurant

To keep your restaurant running smoothly, ensure that a reliable commercial kitchen is the top priority on your checklist. One main aspect which plays a crucial role in accomplishing these goals is the regular commercial refrigeration repair.

By regularly maintaining and repairing your commercial refrigeration equipment, you can avoid the risk of a potential breakdown, save time and money and, most importantly, preserve the safety of your food. This article will discover the importance of regular commercial refrigeration repair.

The Problem with Overlooked Refrigeration Repairs

Overlooking regular commercial refrigeration repairs can severely affect your restaurant kitchen and overall functioning. When refrigeration systems are not maintained regularly, several problems come with them, which can jeopardise the safety of your food, disrupting your daily routine.

The first and foremost concern should be food safety. Commercial refrigeration units are the culprits in keeping perishable items at the correct temperature to prevent bacterial growth and illness.

If neglected, these units can experience temperature fluctuations, risking your food. This can lead to decomposition and contamination, becoming health hazards for your customers.
Generally, neglected refrigeration repairs can lead to financial ramifications. Refrigeration systems are complex and rely on various components to function properly.

Over time, wear and tear can develop, leading to parts malfunctioning or, in the worst scenario, even a complete breakdown can occur. When the refrigeration system is not properly optimized, it tends to consume more energy to compensate for carelessness.

This can significantly increase your energy bill, leading to irrelevant expenses which could have been avoided with regular maintenance. Addressing these minor issues can prevent high costs and costly problems down the pipeline.

Advantages of Regular Commercial Refrigeration Repair

Regular commercial refrigeration repair provides numerous benefits which contribute to the smooth functioning of your restaurant kitchens and the overall business operations.

By engaging in maintenance and regular repairs, you can recover the following benefits:

Expanded energy adaptability and cost savings: A dependable refrigeration system operates efficiently, consuming less energy to achieve and maintain the desired temperature. This results in lower energy bills, helping you save money in the long run.

Improved Food Safety: Proper refrigeration equipment ensures that perishable food items are stored at the perfect temperature, eliminating the risk of spoilage and contamination. Regular maintenance and repairs help identify potential risks that could compromise food safety, allowing you to address them before they become a major concern.

Increased Lifespan for Refrigeration Equipment: A commercial refrigeration system is a significant investment for your restaurant. By doing regular maintenance and repairs, you can increase the lifespan of your refrigeration equipment.

Doing thorough and regular maintenance of your commercial refrigerators brings financial benefits, but it also ensures that your food is safe and ensures the longevity of your equipment.


Refrigeration Maintenance is an Easy Task that you can do Yourself:

Clean: It does not take any expertise to clean; you have to clean the inside-out of your equipment. These should be cleaned rigorously with soap and hot water, as commonly used equipment needs regular cleaning.

Observe: Some major problems need a technician to solve, but you can spot them for damage. Look for signs of excessive leakage, excess contraction, broken seal or broken hinges.

Organize: Commercial Refrigerators need a proper airflow system to function. Remove decor or stored goods that block the airflow around your refrigeration equipment to ensure it’s getting the ventilation needed.

Professional Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance:

  • Check refrigerant level
  • Sanitize Lines for contraction
  • Sanitize Evaporate and Condenser Coils
  • Sanitize Fan Blades
  • Sanitize Fan Motor
  • Sanitize Loose Electrical Components
  • Sanitize Drain Lines
  • Sanitize Temperature & Defrost Settings
  • Sanitize Thermometers
  • Check the filter on the ice maker
  • Check Insulation
  • Check for Air Leak


The importance of commercial regular refrigeration repair should be considered as it is extremely important for the smooth running of your restaurant. Overlooking these problems can lead to major consequences that can directly affect your kitchen.

Regularly maintaining and repairing your refrigeration equipment, you can enjoy multiple advantages. First & foremost, it ensures increased energy efficiency, resulting in cost savings over time.

By optimizing the performance of your refrigeration system, you can reduce the energy consumption and lower down the utility bills.

Secondly, regular maintenance and repair enhance your food safety. Refrigeration is the heart when it comes to preserving your food. Properly functioning equipment prevents temperature fluctuations, cuts out the risk of food spoilage, and maintains perishable items’ purity.

Remember that regular commercial refrigeration repair is an investment you make for the success of your restaurant. By registering maintenance, you tick the boxes of:

  • Ensuring energy efficiency
  • Food safety
  • Long-term running of your equipment

Read More: Commercial Kitchen Maintenance Directory

Commercial Kitchen Maintenance Directory

One of the crucial priorities of a restaurant owner is to keep the kitchen in a clean and healthy environment. Organizing regular cleaning and equipment maintenance plans for your commercial kitchen provides you with a wide range of advantages, from helping you avoid safety encroachment and costly repairs to keeping in mind customer satisfaction.

In this guide, we will cover commercial kitchen maintenance; we will cover all of the factors in order to keep your kitchen sparkingly fresh which shall be your helping hand in repairing your refrigerator. Let’s dive right into it!

The Value of Maintaining a Clean Commercial Kitchen

There are various reasons why you should keep your kitchen in hygienic shape:

  • Food Safety: Food safety and sanitization is a part & parcel of a commercial kitchen. If you don’t clean your kitchen equipment on a regular basis, you’re risking your customers on the line and demoralizing your restaurant status.
  • Cross Contagion: Cross Contagion is a very serious problem that all restaurants must watch. For example, cutting vegetables on the very surface for which you used to slice out raw chicken is problematic as the vegetables get contaminated when you serve them.
  • Health and Safety Deference: Restaurants are required to submit a wide range of health and safety equipment, and keeping a clean kitchen should be the motive for restaurant owners.
    Employee Spirit: People prefer to work in a clean space. By keeping your commercial kitchen clean, you can boost the employee’s spirit and provide your staff with a clean and safe environment.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Customer knows when your kitchen is clean and when it is unclean. This is reflected in the food you serve at the table. To maintain your restaurant’s reputation as a high foundation, maintaining a clean kitchen is as crucial as great customer service and serving great food.
  • Avoiding Cost Repair: Commercial Kitchens can quickly become expensive sometimes. With the perfect preventive measure, you can prevent a lot of restaurant equipment repair expenses and reduce the density of repair services.

Maintain a Thorough and Regular Checking Schedule

One of the crucial aspects of keeping a commercial kitchen clean is sticking to a regular and thorough checking schedule. Your cleaning schedule should look something like this:

  • Both routine cleaning as well as typical maintenance of your cooking utensils
  • It should be broken down based on the frequency of the tasks that need to be completed first.

Commercial Kitchen Maintenance Directory


  1. Cleaning Surface and Utensils: Any utensils that are used for food preparation should be cleaned with the surface and should be sanitized on a regular basis.
  2. Cleaning Appliances: Commercial Appliances should also be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis.
  3. Organizing Supplies and Equipment: Every piece of equipment that is used on a regular basis should have an exact keeping spot. Staff should make all the arrangements and should organize all the equipment ready for the next day.


  1. Cleaning Exhaust and Hood: Cleaning the dust from the ventilation system every week should be on your list, and this will make sure that it is able to ventilate the air in your kitchen.
  2. Storage Areas: Storage areas don’t need to be cleaned on a regular basis, but they should be cleaned and organized weekly.
  3. Drains: Clearing your drains on a weekly rotation will help prevent drain clogs and other issues that they cause.
  4. Floors: The floor in your kitchen should be mopped and cleaned on a weekly basis.


  1. Deep Cleaning Utensils: Any equipment that is used for food preparation should undergo a deep cleaning process once a month.
  2. Floor, Wall, and Ceiling: The floor should be cleaned once a month in addition to monthly deep cleaning. Walls and Ceiling should be cleaned once per month.
  3. Sinks: Sinks should be cleaned and sanitized once a month.

Cleaning Supplies to Have on the Table

Cleaning Supplies include

  • Synthetic floor cleaner
  • Concentrated cleaners
  • Dishwashing detergent
  • Hard surface cleaners
  • Air fresheners
  • Oven and Grill Cleaners
  • Neutral cleaner Concentrate

Putting your Faith in a Trustworthy Cleaner

There are better alternatives than relying solely on your kitchen staff to keep your commercial kitchen clean. Restaurant staff also needs more available time to prepare and serve food as well as attend to the kitchen’s cleaning requirements.

Along with keeping your kitchen clean and maintaining hygiene using the best available products. Working with a trustworthy brand for cleaning purposes will eliminate the need to hire in-house employees.


Now you have the perfect checklists for Commercial Kitchen Maintenance. This guide should be your guiding angel for the regular process of washing and maintaining your equipment in your kitchen.